Anuj Bhalla is the founder of serviceMob. serviceMob, mission is to fix inefficiencies in how consumers access and interact with companies.
serviceMob began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and part of the StartMIT Accelerator. It is a winner of the Funding Board Award from the MIT Sandbox Innovation Program. serviceMob’s roots run deep in customer experience. It has over 30 years of experience in customer analytics, customer experience strategy, and end to end brand strategy.
In this episode, Anuj discusses the power of data and how, when used effectively, it can transform your business. He identifies looking for insights beyond traditional performance indicators and what is drives customer behaviour.
Data is one of the six key components to the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). This episode is full of great tips to improve your data sources and how to use them more effectively.
“Every piece of data we get makes us smarter in terms of making better decisions in the future.”